Micheal greens show

back in 1956 a non animated black and white show that aired on cartoon network named micheal greens show aired. episode 1: micheal and swanson were talking about a problem on there kids's caculators that it will say mean insult as I HATE YOU and SHUT UP. the next day the calculators were attacking the boys and the dads got exorcists's but the calculators killed them and killed the kids. everyone who watched the episode got killed the next day with nothing left but a bloody calculator. episode 2: micheal and swanson was up late at 1 AM thats when knocks on there door was heard where a bloody ghost killed them with a knife. after watching the episode at 1 AM knocks will be heard on the door. there will be no one at the door, the victim will then be cursed. the show ended after the mysterious attacks.
everyone in the shows crew then died 2 weeks after the show was cancelled. the creators response to the police before dying was CAN'T YOU SEE? I'M SUFFERING FROM CANCER! I WAS GONNA DIE IN 2 WEEKS SO I MADE A SHOW I DEALED WITH THE DEVIL WITH SO EVERYONE WHO WATCHES MY AWFUL PROGRAM WILL DIE WITH ME!!! I'M OUT!
cartoon network is now a safe place where they air non satanic related shows now.